10th March 2020, Albourne, United Kingdom – WICT Europe appoints new Membership Chair
Abbe van Osnabrugge, Account Director, Technetix has been appointed to the board of WICT Europe in the Membership Chair. She is looking forward to expanding the network and contributing to the further development of the European Chapter by advancing diversity in organisational cultures. In her role at Technetix, Abbe is responsible for one of the company’s key customers and is known for an unparalleled customer focus, an ongoing drive for the best partnership and a continuous eye for mutually beneficial opportunities.
Abbe is a well-established member of the global cable and telecommunications community. She started her career at C-COR in 2005 and has since held various sales and marketing positions within industry leaders including Arris, PBN and since 2015 Technetix.
Abbe says, “I am delighted to serve WICT Europe in the Membership Chair. Ever since college, when I studied organisational diversity, I have been fascinated by cultural differences. The corporate environment can influence behaviour and create a snowball effect – bigger change starts with individual actions and mindsets. With WICT I trust we can positively influence these personal thoughts, encouraging both men and women to think about diversity at work.”
“Technetix is a good example of a company that has been working towards this balance for some time. Key positions are held by women in most areas of the business and at all levels. Technetix has an open culture and the best fit for the job gets selected.”
If you would like to know more about becoming a member of WICT Europe, please contact Abbe:
Abbe van Osnabrugge
Technetix BV
Account Director, Sales
+31 (6) 0 12748636
About WICT Europe:
Women in Cable Telecommunications Europe is a network that recognises and celebrates our industry’s great female leaders, and develops female talent within our industry via networking, development programmes and recognition. We launched officially on Feb 13th, 2019 in Amsterdam and in Spain on Nov 27th, 2019.
We belong to an organization, founded in 1979, which today has more than 10,500 members and has a presence throughout the United States, South America as well as in the United Kingdom and Europe.
We believe that because of our work and efforts women in our industry will collaborate and connect with each other and create links with other WICT chapters globally.
Our Mission is to develop and empower women in the European Cable and Telecommunications industry to maximize their potential.