Q&A: Why join a broadband vendor’s strategic advisory board?  

In this new Q&A series, we put key questions to members of Technetix’ strategic advisory board (SAB) who generously share their experience, views and wealth of knowledge in their answers.  

With their distinguished careers ranging from global sales and marketing, illustrious halls of fame, investment in mobile banking technology, to holding over 100 patents, four of our board members give their answers to our first question: 

What motivated you to join the Technetix strategic advisory board? 

Colin Büchner, MD Chief Network Officer for Liberty Global  

SAB member since 2019 

 “Technetix is a highly innovative company which is constantly looking for ways to better address the evolving needs of the cable industry. Being part of the SAB and taking part in discussions with other industry experts is fun and helps Technetix make technological and strategic choices.” 

Duncan McIntyre, Technetix Chairman 

Board member since 2009 

“I worked with Technetix President, Founder and Chief Executive, Paul Broadhurst, during late 2008, early 2009, and joined the SAB that year. Paul had built a company with strong opportunities that had been hit by the 2008 financial crisis. I believed in Paul and the company, and I felt I could help him, the team and the company fulfil their potential.”  

Ron Coppock, former President of Sales, Arris International 

SAB member since 2017 

“I met Paul around 30 years ago, when the UK had become the great laboratory for evolving technologies. I was working in the UK for a US company named Texscan , which over time, went through a number of ownership iterations, ending up as an aggregated company called ANTEC-TeleWire (later ARRIS). Texscan/ANTEC occupied a space similar to Technetix in North America and Technetix ultimately bought the Telewire division from ARRIS to assist in gaining entry into the North American market. After my retirement from ARRIS, Paul asked me to consult on helping to put together a sales strategy for the Americas – including South America and Canada – a region ARRIS had been very successful in. We also discussed an idea that Paul had about pulling together a Strategic Advisory Board  - and that was kind of the genesis for the Technetix  SAB” 

Jay Rolls, former CTO Charter Communications 

SAB member since 2019 

“I joined the SAB during one of the industry’s inflection points. We’d sat on our tails for a while with HFC infrastructure, which had been great, but it was getting long in the tooth and needed evolution. I saw Technetix pushing the boundaries on what that next step might look like with some very innovative thinking, creative engineers, and good leadership. One of the other advisory board members called me and said, ‘You know, this is a lot of fun and I think you’d be valuable – you might want to consider doing this.’ I think that is how the dialogue got started; but if I think about the heart of it, it was the innovative thinking coming out of Technetix. I love that it’s real engineers doing real engineering at Technetix.” 

In our next Q&A installment with our strategic advisory board, we ask our members about their careers and career highlights, and how they got into the industry in the first place.
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